In the first of two essays examining the history of the Glasgow University Media Group, Adrian Quinn looks at the group’s relationship with Independent Television News.
Contary to Claims, Conventions and Culture: An apologia for the Glasgow Media Group (Adrian Quinn (2007, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 3(1): 5-24)
In the second part of his history of the GUMG, Adrian Quinn offers a defence of the group’s work, from 1976 to 2006.
The Work of the Glasgow Media Group: An Insider's Story (John Eldridge, 2005, in David Berry and John Theobald, eds., Radical Mass Media Criticism, Black Rose Books)
John Eldridge gives an account of the empirical work of media content and effects studies, and shows how the Media Group has developed a research agenda that looks at the production, content and reception of media messages.
Contribution of the Glasgow Media Group to the Study of Television and Print Journalism (John Eldridge (2000, Journalism Studies 1(1): 113-127)
Professor John Eldridge's overview of the group's work since 1974, from a position as a founder member.
The Mass Production of Ignorance (Greg Philo)
This paper examines key issues in the relationship between television news content and the manner in which audiences respond to it. In past research this relationship has been analysed from various theoretical perspectives. I think elements of each of these can add very importantly to a developed understanding of this issue. In making this case I will draw upon three major studies which were undertaken by the Media Group at Glasgow University that all focussed on news content and public understanding of the developing world.
Correspondence between the Media Group and the BBC Director General 1985 - 86
An ongoing exchange between the Media Group and the BBC Director General over the censoring of a Media Group programme about the Falklands War. See Adrian Quinn's Media Group Timeline for more information about this incident.
Glasgow Media Group, 'Goodies and Baddies', and the New Statesman, 1981
An exchange between the New Statesman and Glasgow Media Group from the early 1980s. Sparked by an article entitled 'Goodies and Baddies: How Television tells the Labour Story,' a New Statesman front-page story, the exchange ran in the magazine until June 1981.