More Bad News From Israel

More Bad News from Israel (Greg Philo and Mike Berry, Pluto Press, 2011)


A new edition of the seminal Bad News from Israel (Pluto Press, 2004), this examines media coverage of the current conflict in the Middle East and the impact it has on public opinion. In the largest study ever undertaken in this area, the authors illustrate major differences in the way Israelis and Palestinians are represented, including how casualties are shown and the presentation of the motives and rationales of both sides.


This new edition includes studies of how television covered the Israeli attack on Gaza in December 2008 and on the Gaza flotilla in 2010. It shows the very sophisticated level of public relations now offered by Israel and how news has often reproduced this without offering an alternative perspective from the Palestinians. The impact on public opinion is explored through new audience research which greatly extends that of the first edition. It includes new findings on how the impact of even the most terrible images of war can be reduced by controlling audience beliefs about the origins of violence.

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